End of the Heat Wave

I had mentioned that we were about to have a heat wave here in Montréal, and would be trying to avoid cooking, or any heat-generating activity, in the house. The heat wave came, and it was hot, but now we’re back to weather that includes low enough nighttime temperatures to cool off the house and make things bearable, even pleasant. So, how did we fare?

We ate a bunch of the veggies & salad that we had prepared ahead of time. Joanie drank some smoothies, I barbecued some smokies, we both drank a lot of iced coffee, and generally we did pretty well. Something that we didn’t take into account was that when it’s hot people are less hungry, so we still have a bunch of veggies that need to be eaten, as well as the stuff for panini sandwiches that never got made.

So, it’s possible to eat like food matters when you’re roasting. We’re ready for summer.

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  • What is Choices That Matter?

    I'm a guy named John, and I do most of the writing around here. I went from a really active lifestyle to a really inactive lifestyle very quickly and my body is noticing. On top of that I'm worried about what's happening to our planet, so, I'm trying to do something about it.

    For Christmas I received the book Food Matters, which I found very interesting and inspired me to start changing. Check out my first post for the beginning of the story.