Tag Archives: roasted red pepper

Week Twenty-Two Roundup

Twenty-two weeks in and how are things – well, my diet hasn’t improved much from Week Twenty-One. I’ve had a lot of doughnuts & coffee, which, while not meat, are not exactly healthy. So, the vital stats are: Waist size: 41 inches, Cash spent on food: $125.03. I made some pretty good hummus this week […]

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  • What is Choices That Matter?

    I'm a guy named John, and I do most of the writing around here. I went from a really active lifestyle to a really inactive lifestyle very quickly and my body is noticing. On top of that I'm worried about what's happening to our planet, so, I'm trying to do something about it.

    For Christmas I received the book Food Matters, which I found very interesting and inspired me to start changing. Check out my first post for the beginning of the story.