Week Eleven Roundup

I’ve been at this for eleven weeks now, and am starting, I think, to get the hang of it. My waist size this morning came in at 41 inches – that’s 1/2 inch less than last week, and we spent $142.34 on groceries.

As I mentioned before, I’m not sure that we’re saving money on this system, but we are feeling healthier, and I am slowly losing some of the belly fat that I put on through 2008 and 2009.

One of our challenges this week is to see how many meals we can get out of a single chicken. We’re partly inspiring ourselves with Kirsten Swensson’s 1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo post. Yesterday I roasted our chicken, and removed the meat from the bones. I used the juices from the roasting pan and a bit of meat to make a chicken soup. I had been planning on making stock from the bones, but I started the stock before the chicken came out of the oven, and I had decent, mostly vegetable stock, so I froze the bones for my next stock pot. I’m not sure what we’ll make next with the chicken, but I’ll try to post about it.

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  • What is Choices That Matter?

    I'm a guy named John, and I do most of the writing around here. I went from a really active lifestyle to a really inactive lifestyle very quickly and my body is noticing. On top of that I'm worried about what's happening to our planet, so, I'm trying to do something about it.

    For Christmas I received the book Food Matters, which I found very interesting and inspired me to start changing. Check out my first post for the beginning of the story.